Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year 2012!

There are three kind of person who thinks differently on new year eve.
One, who feels happy that the year is going and hopes things will be good in new year.
another, who does not care and thinks it was just another year and new year would be the same.
and third, who do not want to lose the year as there was something he/she will never get in new year.

First type of person, has some disappointments that he could not do things he wished to do... and happy to carry forward his/her dream to new year. Makes some new year resolution. (only to forget in another 30 days or so) Makes some new year financial goal, just to make himself/herself happy but thinks somewhere in bottom of heart that this may not be achieved.
                    Making goal and writing new year resolution on a piece of paper is just waste of time if he/she never plan and act accordingly. Goal and resolution, without plan would be remembered by them only to carry forward on next new year eve.

Second type of person, never makes any plans of new year resolution. Just goes for party and enjoy the night and never cares if it was 2011 or 2012.

And the Third  type of person, had something precious this year which he/she never want to lose. As the new year's Sun woke him/her next day to make him/her feel sad about last year loss. Goal can be re-written, new year resolution can be carried forward but the personal loss can never be recovered. They just want to hold on to the current year. Someone was there this year.
            For them, new year may be waiting for great opportunity, it may make them happy, they may achieve that, they have been looking for years but the last day of the year and first day of the new year makes them sad. Someone said that: Time is the best healer!

To All kind of people, Wishing A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year 2012!